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Enjoy warmer knit list

Enjoy warmer knit list

№ system orders: 663
Release Date: 2011-10-01
Author Name(s): Kotomi Hayashi
Page: 79
Format: 22 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: Bunka publishing Bureau
ISBN: 978-4-579-11366-8

Price: 2084 rub.

Basic Price: 2439 rub.
You Save: 355 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Книжка по вязанию.



Section: вязание разное Listed: 2011-10-30 View: 7553 Reviews: 0.

All 47-point hand-knitted scarf hat Poncho KNIT FACTORY, can use a little fun yarn

All 47-point hand-knitted scarf hat Poncho KNIT FACTORY, can use a little fun yarn
knit sets the trend

№ system orders: 661
Release Date: 2011-11-01
Page: 88
Format: 26 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: NIHON VOGUE
ISBN: 978-4-529-05020-3

Price: 1732 rub.

Basic Price: 2027 rub.
You Save: 295 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Книжка по вязанию.



Section: вязание Listed: 2012-09-17 View: 8372 Reviews: 0.

Pocket tissue case to make? Send! Four

Pocket tissue case to make? Send! Four

№ system orders: 656
Release Date: 2011-10-01
Author Name(s): Sadako Totsuka
Page: 72
Format: 26 cm
Language: японский
ISBN: 978-4-7672-0609-7

Price: 2201 rub.

Basic Price: 2576 rub.
You Save: 375 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Книжка по вышивке.



Section: вязание вышивка Listed: 2011-10-30 View: 7999 Reviews: 0.

Traditional Hand Knit (Only Crochet Projects)

Traditional Hand Knit (Only Crochet Projects)
Asahi Original 334

№ system orders: 653
Release Date: 2011-10-01
Page: 63
Format: 26 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: Apple
ISBN: 978-4-02-190493-6

Price: 2084 rub.

Basic Price: 2439 rub.
You Save: 355 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Вязание крючком, традиционные мотивы. 26 Patterns of Cute Crochet Goods. The Book is written in Japanese, but the book has nice & large diagrams.



Section: вязание Listed: 2011-10-23 View: 45277 Reviews: 1.

Anyone want to knit knit small ball 3,4,5

Anyone want to knit knit small ball 3,4,5
Lets knit series

№ system orders: 652
Release Date: 2011-10-03
Page: 84
Format: AB 257x210mm
Language: японский
Publisher: NIHON VOGUE
ISBN: 978-4-529-05001-2

Price: 1676 rub.

Basic Price: 1961 rub.
You Save: 285 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Вязание аксессуаров: шарфы, шапочки, гетры, пончо и др.



Section: вязание Listed: 2011-10-23 View: 47217 Reviews: 0.

Knit and Crochet Clothes for All Seasons. Spring - Summer - Autumn - Winter

Knit and Crochet Clothes for All Seasons. Spring - Summer - Autumn - Winter
Lets knit series

№ system orders: 651
Release Date: 2011-09-30
Page: 112
Format: AB 257x210mm
Language: японский
Publisher: NIHON VOGUE
ISBN: 978-4-529-05019-7

Price: 1732 rub.

Basic Price: 2027 rub.
You Save: 295 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Вязание спицами и крючком. Варианты вязания легких и модных рукавов для начинающих. 28 Patterns of Pretty Knit and Crochet Clothes for all seasons.



Section: вязание Listed: 2011-10-23 View: 52775 Reviews: 0.

2way knit - Figure dressed in one of two knitting

2way knit - Figure dressed in one of two knitting
marche special

№ system orders: 650
Release Date: 2011-09-29
Page: 80
Format: 256x210mm
Language: японский
Publisher: NIHON VOGUE
ISBN: 978-4-529-04980-1

Price: 1732 rub.

Basic Price: 2027 rub.
You Save: 295 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Вязание, одна вещь - два варианта носки.



Section: вязание Listed: 2011-10-23 View: 7340 Reviews: 0.

Childrens knitting

Childrens knitting

№ system orders: 649
Release Date: 2011-09-23
Page: 100
Format: AB 257x210mm
Language: японский
Publisher: NIHON VOGUE
ISBN: 978-4-529-05007-4

Price: 1732 rub.

Basic Price: 2027 rub.
You Save: 295 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Журнал по вязанию для детей.



Section: вязание детское Listed: 2011-10-23 View: 7662 Reviews: 0.

Knit two men

Knit two men

№ system orders: 646
Release Date: 2011-10-28
Author Name(s): michiyo
Page: 80
Language: японский
ISBN: 978-4-579-11372-9

Price: 1966 rub.

Basic Price: 2301 rub.
You Save: 335 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Подарки для него, конечно, также рекомендуется для женщин, простой дизайн унисекс.



Section: вязание Listed: 2016-03-22 View: 7232 Reviews: 0.

Heartful - Knit Baby

Heartful - Knit Baby

№ system orders: 645
Release Date: 2011-10-28
Author Name(s): -
Language: японский
Publisher: -
ISBN: 978-4-579-11371-2

Price: 2084 rub.

Basic Price: 2439 rub.
You Save: 355 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Вязание для детей.



Section: вязание детское Listed: 2011-10-13 View: 4708 Reviews: 0.

From the neck knit sweater

From the neck knit sweater

№ system orders: 644
Release Date: 2011-10-11
Page: 88
Format: AB 257x210mm
Language: японский
Publisher: NIHON VOGUE
ISBN: 978-4-529-05008-1

Price: 1966 rub.

Basic Price: 2301 rub.
You Save: 335 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Был в моде в 1990-х "свитер вязаный от шеи". Два типа реглан рукава и работа на круглых спицах, подробно изложены основы и описание каждого процесса работы. Включает традиционные узоры. Пуловеры и кардиганы, жилеты, французский рукав, болеро и пончо, накидки, были разработаны для осенне-зимнего сезона в стиле наших дней. Разные цвета, размещено 17 моделей.



Section: вязание Listed: 2011-10-13 View: 5545 Reviews: 0.

I Love My Winter Knit (28 seasonal items)

I Love My Winter Knit (28 seasonal items)

№ system orders: 643
Release Date: 2011-10-01
Page: 71
Format: 26 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: Bunka publishing Bureau
ISBN: 978-4-579-11367-5

Price: 1854 rub.

Basic Price: 2170 rub.
You Save: 316 rub.(15%)


Product Information: 28 простых и привлекательных изделий из шерсти для зимы, пончо, шапки и т.д. The book introduces 26 cute winter goods and their patterns.



Section: вязание Listed: 2012-08-16 View: 8116 Reviews: 0.

Oshare Crochet Wear Winter 11

Oshare Crochet Wear Winter 11

№ system orders: 642
Release Date: 2011-09-05
Page: 92
Format: AB 257x210mm
Language: японский
Publisher: Nihon Vogue
ISBN: 978-4-529-04996-2

Price: 1788 rub.

Basic Price: 2092 rub.
You Save: 304 rub.(15%)


Product Information: 24 Projects of Womens Crochet Clothes and Goods.



Section: вязание Listed: 2011-10-13 View: 7674 Reviews: 0.

A nice living with crochet lace vol.4

A nice living with crochet lace vol.4
Asahi Original 337

№ system orders: 640
Release Date: 2011-10-01
Page: 80
Format: 28 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: Apple Mint
ISBN: 978-4-02-190495-0

Price: 1966 rub.

Basic Price: 2301 rub.
You Save: 335 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Сделайте повседневную жизнь более приятной вместе с популярной серией по вязанию крючком. Рождество и Новый год, Северный узор, простые и красочные изделия!



Section: вязание Listed: 2011-10-13 View: 4942 Reviews: 0.

Christmas & Winter crochet pattern 100

Christmas & Winter crochet pattern 100
Asahi Original 333

№ system orders: 635
Release Date: 2001-10-01
Page: 80
Format: 26 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: Apple Mintz
ISBN: 978-4-02-190492-9

Price: 2201 rub.

Basic Price: 2576 rub.
You Save: 375 rub.(15%)


Product Information: 100 шаблонов, Рождественские и зимние мотивы.



Section: вязание Listed: 2011-10-04 View: 9376 Reviews: 1.

Dog sweaters knitted goods, along with small dogs!

Dog sweaters knitted goods, along with small dogs!

№ system orders: 634
Release Date: 2009-09-01
Author Name(s): Imamura, Yoko
Page: 79
Format: 25 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: Kawade Shobo Sha
ISBN: 978-4-579-11259-3

Price: 2127 rub.

Basic Price: 2489 rub.
You Save: 362 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Вязание для собак, 16 свитеров, 2 сумки, 2 игрушки, 1 игрушечная собака. 21 Patterns of Dog Clothes and Goods of Knitting Projects.



Section: вязание разное Listed: 2015-11-15 View: 46081 Reviews: 0.

Race Tatingu small accessories

Race Tatingu small accessories

№ system orders: 627
Release Date: 2010-07-01
Page: 87
Format: 15 х 21 c
Language: японский
Publisher: Bunka Gakuen
ISBN: 978-4-579-11310-1

Price: 2084 rub.

Basic Price: 2439 rub.
You Save: 355 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Книжка по плетению кружев (фриволите), создание мелких аксессуаров.



Section: вязание макраме украшения разное Listed: 2011-10-03 View: 8686 Reviews: 0.

If you know this book Tatingu Race

If you know this book Tatingu Race

№ system orders: 626
Release Date: 2011-05-01
Author Name(s): Fuji Heavy corner
Page: 80
Format: 26 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: NIHON VOGUE
ISBN: 978-4-529-04967-2

Price: 1966 rub.

Basic Price: 2301 rub.
You Save: 335 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Книжка по плетению кружев (фриволите).



Section: вязание макраме украшения разное Listed: 2011-10-03 View: 20431 Reviews: 0.

Tatting Lace Elegant Lace Tatingu

Tatting Lace Elegant Lace Tatingu

№ system orders: 625
Release Date: 2010-06-01
Author Name(s): Fuji Heavy corner
Page: 90
Format: 26 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: Provo Japan - by group
ISBN: 978-4-529-04841-5

Price: 2084 rub.

Basic Price: 2439 rub.
You Save: 355 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Тираж распродан. Для уточнения информации о возможности приобретения бывших в употреблении книг, пишите на почту для заказов.

Фриволите: аксессуары, салфетки, кружева.



Section: вязание макраме украшения разное Listed: 2017-03-11 View: 7808 Reviews: 0.

Cute Fashionable Kids Knit 90.100

Cute Fashionable Kids Knit 90.100
Asahi Original

№ system orders: 624
Release Date: 2011-08-01
Author Name(s): Yumiko Kawaji
Page: 64
Format: 26 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: Apple Mintz
ISBN: 978-4-02-190488-2

Price: 2084 rub.

Basic Price: 2439 rub.
You Save: 355 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Книжка по вязанию одежды для детей от 3 до 6 лет, размер от 90 до 110 см.



Section: вязание одежда разное Listed: 2011-10-02 View: 8702 Reviews: 0.

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