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Kazuko Aoki Embroidery Recipe A to Z

Kazuko Aoki Embroidery Recipe A to Z

№ system orders: 192
Release Date: 2010-01-01
Author Name(s): Kazuko Aoki
Page: 126
Format: 21x15 cm.
Language: японский
Publisher: Bunka Publishing Bureau
ISBN: 978-4-579-11283-8

Price: 2878 rub.

Basic Price: 3368 rub.
You Save: 490 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Collection of Pretty Embroidery Designs and Instructions:

* A: Apple, Apple Mint, Anchor, Armchair, and Armadillo.
* B: Blue Border, Bean_s Bag, Bird, Button, Balloon, and Butterfly.
* C: Cloud_s Chair, Cat, Crown, Clock, Cactus, and Cupcake.
* D: Daisy, Diamond, Denim, and Doughnut.
* E: Emily Dickinson_s Honey Bee, and Clover.
* F: Flag, France, Finland, Fork, Four-Leaf Clover, Fish, Frog, and Feather.
* G: Green Grass, and Garden Goods.
* H: Hotel Amenity, Hydrangea, and Hat.
* I: Initials
* J: Jars of Jam: Blueberry Jam, Raspberry Jam, and Apricot Jam.
* K: Kitchen Tools, and Kitchen Shelf.
* L: Leaf, Lizard, Lilac, London Hat, and Lime.
* M: Mushroom Pincushion
* N: Nuts, Almond, Cashew, Walnut, Peanut, Pecan, and Pistachio.
* O: Olive Scale, and Olive Motif.
* P: Pink Pansy, Pot, and Pitcher.
* Q: Quilting Bee Thimble, and Queen Bee Card
* R: Red Collage, Rose, Red Check, Red Flower, and Ruby.
* S: Swalovski Show, Swallow, and Silver Ring.
* T: Tartan Designs
* U: Umbrella
* V: Violet Vegetables, Violet Pencil, Violet, and Verbena.
* W: Wreath, and Wildflower.
* X: Xmas Advent Calender
* Y: Yellow Yarn & Yellow-Green Yarn Collection
* Z: Zebra, Zoo, Chameleon, Giraffe, Koala, Hedgehog, Rabbit, Sheep, Hippo, and Anteater.

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Комментарий добавил(а): jhg
Дата: 2011-03-25


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