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Crochet,Knit Patchwork Sewing Beaded Macrame Patterns Make order  


Atelier cartonnage

Atelier cartonnage

№ system orders: 222
Release Date: 2010-10-01
Author Name(s): Kayoko Bija
Page: 95
Format: 26 cm
Language: японский
Publisher: NTT Corporation NTT New Bee
ISBN: 978-4-86100-709-5

Price: 2995 rub.

Basic Price: 3505 rub.
You Save: 510 rub.(15%)


Product Information: Изготовление коробочек своими руками для украшений, бисера, разных мелких предметов..

Cartonnage writer living in France, Kayoko Bija (Kayoko BIGEARD) is a textbook of cartonnage. 12 months birthstone theme introduces the creation of colorful boxes with paper or cloth pattern 25. Jewelry, accessories, beads, and craft products, decorative ones own way but can be stored, and their beautiful boxes. Photography lessons and a selection of works by three difficulty, detailed instructions explain all the work - with drawings.

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Reviews of this book:

Комментарий добавил(а): marie
Дата: 2012-05-27

thank ...

Комментарий добавил(а): Doris
Дата: 2011-08-29


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