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Charming Quilted Animals

Charming Quilted Animals Спасибо! +27

№ электронной книги: 4728
Кол-во стр: 125
Формат фаилов: jpg в архиве rar
Качество фаилов: 5+
Размер: Мб
Язык: английский

Цена: 100 руб.

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Описание: Об авторе: Всемирно известная художница Йоко Сайто, известная прежде всего своими серо-коричневыми цветовыми схемами, создала великолепные разнообразные дизайны лоскутных одеял, от традиционных до смелых и современных. Она выставляла свои работы по всему миру и проводила семинары в Азии и Европе. Сайто — дизайнер тканей и плодовитый автор, чьи книги стали ценным ресурсом для квилтеров всех уровней на Западе и в ее родной Японии, в которых представлено множество проектов, как больших, так и малых. Больше ее работ можно увидеть в ее Instagram @yokosaito_quiltparty.

Create adorable animal applique with this sweet and whimsical hand-quilting patchwork pattern book. From favorite critters like perky penguins, smiling lions and gangly giraffes to unexpected friends like jellyfish, vultures and a unicorn, this book includes an animal for each letter of the alphabet. In Charming Quilted Animals, world-renowned quilt artist Yoko Saito shows you how to: Make over 40 different animal appliques Create 26 animal patches--from A-Z Incorporate the animals in 25 unique projects Implement essential quilting techniques Make fun items like a tapestry incorporating all the animals, a clasp purse, pin cushion, accessory tray, pencil case and tote bag for the kids in your life--or the kid in you! This charming collection of designs is accessible to quilters of all skill levels. A generous how-to section with photographic illustrations takes you through the basics of hand quilting, while instructions and diagrams for each project show you how to assemble your pieces from start to finish. You\'ll also find large pull-out tracing sheets containing templates for all the animals and elements used in these projects. There\'s no limit to what you can do with these playful animal appliques. Let Charming Quilted Animals inspire you to add touches of whimsical wildlife to your quilted designs. About the Author: Known primarily for her taupe color schemes, world-renowned quilt artist Yoko Saito has created a gorgeous variety of quilt designs ranging from traditional to bold to contemporary. She has exhibited her work worldwide, and taught seminars in Asia and Europe. Saito is a fabric designer and a prolific author whose books have become valuable resources for quilters at every level in the West and in her native Japan, featuring an abundance of projects both large and small. More of her work can be seen on her Instagram @yokosaito_quiltparty

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